This class will explore how Avengers/Buffy writer-director Joss Whedon shapes his characters and situates them in the worlds of his stories. You will explore how his characters’ emotional traits play into his storytelling.
Class Date: August 9, 2021
Class Title: 1-Week Online Screenwriting Class
Class Type: Online
Class Presenter: Tom Benedek
Class price: $95
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Whether spinning his own stories on screen (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) or working with existing material (Avengers), Joss Whedon is known for his strong characters and robust storytelling skills. In TV, summer blockbusters, or indie films, Whedon brings his own special sensibility to all his work.
In this one-week course, you will explore character-building. In a live teleconference and the Online Forum, you will workshop a character or characters from their own script project.
One-Week Online Class Includes:
- Three lectures written by Tom Benedek
- Annotated Scripts for Study
- Workshop Your Characters with Instructor and Class Member Feedback
- Daily forum Q&As
- A 60-Minute Live Teleconference with Instructor and Class Members
- Whedon Interviews to Read/Watch
- You will learn to write better characters
- You will study the ways Joss Whedon builds his characters on the page
- You will see new ways in which character development dictates plot/story structure
- You will pick up invaluable craft knowledge through careful readings of Joss Whedon scripts
- You will work on one of your own characters and discover new ways to make your script shine
- Beginning Screenwriters
- Advanced Screenwriters
- Novelists
- TV Writers
- Fans of Whedon!
$95.00Add to Cart